
Government of Mizoram 

Directorate of Science and Technology 

Meteorological Centre

Date :24th May,2021



Kar liam ta atanga Bay of Bengal tuipuia insiam cyclone Yaas chuan hmar thlang lam a pan a, tukin dar 8:30 am vel khan Port Blair atanga hmar thlang lam KM 620 velah cyclone centre hi a awm a. Hmar thlang lam pan zelin thlipui na zawk (severe cyclonic storm leh very severe cyclonic storm)-ah insiam turah ngaih a ni. Cyclone Yaas hian West Bengal leh Odisha vel nuai tura ngaih a ni a, Mizoram leh North East lam tan chuan hlauhawm loh tura ngaih a ni. 



 Chief Scientific Officer

 Directorate of Science and Technology

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